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Positive and negative health effects of sunlight exposure


The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has both positive and negative health effects, as it is both a principal source of vitamin D3 and a  mutagen.

A dietary supplement can supply vitamin D3 without this mutagenic effect.

Sunlight has a wide range of positive health effects

  1. strengthening bones
  2. Production od vitamin d3
  3.  Inhibiting growth of some cancers
  4. Visible sunlight to the eyes gives health benefits through its association with the timing of melatonin synthesis
  5. Reduced risk of seasonal affective disorder
  6. trigger the release of hormones in your brain called serotonin which helps to boost your mood and helping a person feel calm and focused
  7. Research studies have revealed preliminary links between sunlight as a potential treatment for a number of conditions. These include:
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • systemic lupus erytematosus
    • inflammatory bowel disease
    • thyroiditis
    However, more research needs to be conducted before sunlight can be a conclusive treatment for these and other conditions.

Over Exposure to Sunlight Has Also Negative Health Effects

  1. Mutagen ,this means a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level. As many mutations can cause cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely to be carcinogens, although not always necessarily so. Some chemicals only become mutagenic through cellular processes. 
  2. Long-term sunlight exposure is known to be associated with the development of skin cancer, skin aging, immune suppression, and eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration
  3. Over Exposure to high intensity sunwaves can lead to sun burn or skin irritations
  4. The toxic effects of UV from natural sunlight and therapeutic artificial lamps are a major concern for human health


getting anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight on your arms, hands, and face two to three times a week is enough to enjoy the vitamin D-boosting benefits of sun. Note that the sun actually has to penetrate the skin — wearing sunscreen and/or clothing over the skin won’t result in vitamin D production.
If you’re going to be outside for more than a brief 15-minute period, it’s a good idea to protect your skin. You can do that by applying a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15. Wearing a protective hat and shirt can also help.
Positive and negative health effects of sunlight exposure Positive and negative health effects of sunlight exposure Reviewed by Vibin krishnan on February 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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