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Method to Stop Your Thoughts From Running Inside Your Head and Fall Asleep in 8 Minutes

Method to Stop Your Thoughts From Running Inside Your Head and Fall Asleep in 8 Minutes

You’re feeling tired after a long, hard day at work, and you deserve a good night’s sleep. However, when your switch your bedroom light off, and your head hits the pillow, you find yourself with a problem. Your mind is still actively thinking about the things you did (and didn’t do!) at work. Despite wanting and needing to sleep, your restless mind is preventing you from drifting off.

Say Hai To Dodow

To meet the needs of people who struggle to fall asleep easily, a product called Dodow was recently designed and manufactured.
The product manufacturers claim that on average, users of Dodow fall asleep 2.5 times faster than without using it. And in most cases, users manage to go to sleep within just 8 minutes.
Sounds great – but what exactly is Dodow and how does it work?
Dodow is a metronome with a light system that teaches you how to fall asleep naturally. When you use Dodow, you can forget about having to rely on supplements or medication to help you sleep.
Dodow works by projecting a blue light onto your ceiling, which you synchronize your breathing to. You inhale when the light beam expands – and exhale when the light beam retracts.
By focusing on the light and your breathing, you’ll be quickly able to step outside of the countless thoughts running around inside your mind. But not only that, as Dodow’s light beam sequence gradually slows down over an 8-minute (or 20-minute) period, naturally taking you into a deep, relaxed state.

If science is your thing, then you’ll be interested in what happens to your mind and body within 8 minutes of using Dodow:
  1. The stimulation of the baroreflex rebalances your autonomic nervous system.
  2. The secretion of cortisol and noradrenalin stops and instead, melatonin, the sleep hormone, takes over.
  3. Dodow facilitates the transition of your brain to an alpha state. This is characterized by low frequency brain waves, which are an essential step towards a good night’s sleep.
When you synchronize your breathing with the light beam, you’ll be amazed at just how calming the result is. In today’s non-stop world, we’ve mostly forgotten about the power of breathing – and how it can help us to stay calm, focused and in control of our thoughts.
Regular users of Dodow not only train their breathing, but they also develop their ability to meditate.

Are You Ready To Regain Yor Health

While the claims by Dodow’s manufacturers can at first seem unbelievable, the dozens of user testimonials confirm the product’s ability to help people drift off to sleep in record time.
In your efforts to fall asleep, you’ve probably tried listening to music, reading books, or even counting sheep! If none of these worked for you, then science-backed Dodow would be a great alternative to try.
You can buy this product from At low cost
If you get your sleep then share this valuable post to your friends and family.
Method to Stop Your Thoughts From Running Inside Your Head and Fall Asleep in 8 Minutes Method to Stop Your Thoughts From Running Inside Your Head and Fall Asleep in 8 Minutes Reviewed by Vibin krishnan on February 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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