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Reflexology: Benefits and Limitations in detail

March 17, 2018
Reflexology: Benefits and Limitations in detail

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a very old Chinese Acupressure Technique that is helpful to heal various deceases. Reflexology works on energy pathways of Human Body to cure the problems. Reflexology works on several pressure points which are connected with some major organs of the body. Applying correct pressure on the exact Reflexology pressure points helps to reduce pains and aches from various parts of body. However Reflexology can be helpful only if the pressure points are stimulated on a regular basis. Reflexology is an easiest way to deal with so many problems which arise in Human Body in daily routine. Moreover, Reflexology does not have any side effects. The only thing we should keep in mind that the Reflexology pressure points must be stimulated in correct method.

Reflexology: Benefits and Limitations

Reflexology Method is useful in many ways. With help of Reflexology Points, any decease of Human Body can be controlled, healed and reduced. But like every other therapies, Reflexology also has pros and cons. The Reflexology benefits and limitations which can be explained as follows:

Benefits / Advantages of Reflexology

  • Improve blood circulation and energy in body by stimulating pressure points.
  • Give relief in Stress and helps in Stress Management.
  • Relieve Back Pain, Neck Pain, Neck Stiffness, Shoulder Tension, Headache, Toothache, etc.
  • Help improve digestion functioning and reduce Stomach problems such as Acidity, Ulcer, Chest burn, Gas.
  • Remove craving for food and balance appetite and reduce amount of wastes.
  • Relieve Depression, Nausea and other mental disorders.
  • Heal Sinus Congestion and Nasal Problems.
  • Reduce Nasal pain and to get rid of Runny or Stuffy Nose.
  • Give relief in lung problems.
  • Relieve Ankle Pain, Knee Pain, Elbow Pain, etc.
  • Improve Skin tone and heal skin disorders.
  • Improve Eye sight through massaging points.
  • Reduce hair loss and hair fall.
  • Give relief in cold, cough, constipation, Arthritis, Dizziness and Sore throat.
  • Fight with Diabetes, Asthma, Thyroid problem etc.
  • Improve memory power.
  • Heal Menstrual Disorders in women.
  • Reduce irritability, anger and frustration.
  • Fight with addictions like tobacco, smoking, etc. by stimulating some pressure points.
  • Heal some sexual problems also.
  • Heal the injuries due to sports.
  • Give Relaxation to the body.
  • Reflexology can be applied to the person of any age.
  • Reflexology is very easy and can be applied anywhere (irrelevant of place).
  • Reflexology is useful for self-treatment, it does not ask for an Expert every time.
  • Reflexology is not painful at all.
  • Reflexology improves immune system of body.

Limitations / Disadvantages of Reflexology:

Even if Reflexology has lots of benefits as mentioned above, it also has some limitations. You must remember the Limitations of Reflexology before applying the Reflexology Technique. The Disadvantages / Limitations of Reflexology Therapy are as follows:
Reflexology cannot heal or may be harmful in following cases:
  • Applying pressure at wrong pressure point will not give relief to the problem. But it may lead to rise of some other problem.
  • Incorrect pressure may create more trouble in body and too much pressure may fracture the pressure spot part.
  • When the pressure is higher that requirement, It creates pain near the pressure point or in that part of body.
  • When a person having no experience tries to apply the Reflexology Technique, gets nothing but the pain in return.
  • Reflexology is tough when a person does not know how to apply pressure and also not able to find an Expert of Reflexology.
  • Reflexology has not proven as treatment for Cancer.
  • Reflexology reduces the problems, heals the problem but cannot be used as conventional medicines / medications to cure the problem completely.
  • Reflexology can cure the decease on short term, may be the signs of the decease rise again in near future.
  • Reflexology does not guarantee to cure some serious problems or critical stage of illness.
  • Reflexology Treatment may be very expensive if the Expert of Reflexology is required on a regular basis. The Reflexology Experts charge too much fees for one session.
  • When the illness is at higher stage, Reflexology cannot cure it early, the patient will have to take conventional medicines.
  • Sometimes it is risky to
      •  go for Reflexology when the decease is older.
Reflexology: Benefits and Limitations in detail Reflexology: Benefits and Limitations in detail Reviewed by Vibin krishnan on March 17, 2018 Rating: 5

Most Effective Facial Pressure Points – Top Facial Acupressure Points for Healthy Skin, Skin Whitening and Wrinkles

February 23, 2018
Most Effective Facial Pressure Points – Top Facial Acupressure Points for Healthy Skin, Skin Whitening and Wrinkles

As we know that Acupressure Points are helpful in healing the health problems through a few simple pressure points. But many people don’t know that Acupressure has Facial Pressure Points and Massage Techniques for Skin related problems. By stimulating the correct Facial Acupressure Points, you can get a Healthy, Beautiful and Glowing Skin. Facial Pressure Points work on improving the Skin Tone, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the Skin. By applying Acupressure Points on a regular basis, you can get a Healthy, Smooth and Flawless Skin. Acupressure Points relieve the congested areas and relaxes the muscles.

6 Most Effective Facial Pressure Points List :

  • Third Eye Point
  • Facial Beauty Point
  • Three Mile Point
  • Heavenly Appearance/Glow Point
  • Heavenly Pillar Point
  • Massage for Inner Eyebrows/Bridge of the Nose, Temples and beside Nostrils

Acupressure Points for Healthy Skin

Acupressure is an ancient massage technique that is derived from Acupuncture. However, Acupuncture works with tiny needles which give more pain on Skin. Acupressure Method has several pressure points for every health treatment and it is less painful because the Acupressure Points are massaged with hands only. There are a few Effective Facial Pressure Points those are helpful to get Healthy Skin, Improve Skin Glow, Facial Beauty Treatment, Smooth and Flawless Skin. The Acupressure Points for Healthy Skin are described as under:

01) Third Eye Point:
Acupressure Third Eye Point is one of the most common Acupressure Points for Health Treatment. You can easily find the Acupressure Third Eye Point exact in the middle of your eyebrows. The Acupressure Third Eye Point is located where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. Find the Third Eye Point as displayed in the picture below and apply mild pressure on this point with your index finger (pointer) for 60 seconds (01 minute). Applying pressure on Acupressure Third Eye Point every day will be helpful to stimulate the Master Endocrine Gland (Pituitary Gland) that improves the Skin Texture, enhances the condition of Skin and reduces skin problems.
02) Facial Beauty Point:
Acupressure Facial Beauty Point is very effective to get Healthy & Beautiful Skin. You can find the Acupressure Facial Beauty Point in lower of the ridge of the eye socket. The Acupressure Facial Beauty Point is situated on the base of the Cheekbone on both sides of your face. You can find the exact location of Facial Beauty Point as shown in the picture below. Put your index fingers on both points and massage the pressure points up to 60 seconds. Massage the Acupressure Facial Beauty Point on a regular basis for reducing blemish marks, acne on skin, improvement of blood/skin circulation, skin tone etc. Apply the Facial Pressure Point every day to get all the benefits on your Skin.
03) Three Mile Point:
Acupressure Three Mile Point is a popular acupressure point to strengthen the muscles throughout the body. The Acupressure Three Mile Point can be found below your knees. You can find the Acupressure Three Mile Point about 3 to 4 centimeters down your knee-caps on outside the Shin bone on both legs. Reach to the Acupressure Three Mile Point as displayed in the picture below. Put the first three fingers of your hands i.e. Index Finger, Big Finger and Ring Finger on the Three Mile Point on both legs (as shown in the picture). Apply slight pressure and massage the area for Five Minutes on daily basis. Massaging the Acupressure Three Mile Point regularly will help to glow your Skin and strengthen and tone the Muscles.
04) Heavenly Appearance/Glow Point:
Acupressure Heavenly Appearance Point or Heavenly Glow Point is an important pressure point for Skin Improvement. The Acupressure Heavenly Appearance/Glow Point is situated on behind the jaws. You can reach the Heavenly Glow/Appearance Point by moving downwards from earlobe on behind of the jaws and just below the jaw bones. As you are able to recognize the Acupressure Heavenly Appearance/Glow Point, put pressure on the point for a few moments. Repeat it as per your convenience. Apply the Heavenly Appearance/Glow Point regularly for improvement in Luster of the Skin and tone of Facial Muscles. It also helps in lessening the Wrinkles on face.
05) Heavenly Pillar Point:

Acupressure Heavenly Pillar Point is one of the best pressure points for relief in Stress. You can find the Acupressure Heavenly Pillar Point on the backside of your neck below the head. The Acupressure Heavenly Pillar Point is located on the base of the Skull where your Spine is attached with the head. The exact location of the Heavenly Pillar Point is shown in the picture below. Apply mild pressure with your index fingers for 2-3 minutes on every day to get benefits like relief in Stress of your body, Stress of Skin, Skin Disorders, Heaviness in Head, Sleeping Disorders, Eye Strain, Exhaustion etc.
06) Massage for Inner Eyebrows/Bridge of the Nose, Temples and beside Nostrils:

In this part, we will discuss about the Massage you should apply on a few areas of your face every day before you go to sleep. This is like a Beauty Treatment and it is takes some quality time.
  1. First of all, apply the face cream you use at night before you go to sleep. Reach the bridge of the nose on the inner side of your eyebrows (i.e. Drilling Bamboo Point) and put your thumbs on the points. Hold these points with a little pressure for a few seconds with your thumbs.
  2. After that, move towards your Temples and massage the Temple area on both sides for a few seconds.
  3. Finally, find the pressure points right beside the Nostrils and hold them for a few seconds.
  4. Repeat the First Three (01, 02 and 03) Steps 6 to 8 times every day before you go to sleep.
On massaging the Inner Eyebrows/Bridge of the Nose, Temples and Beside Nostrils points every day, it will be very helpful for relaxation of your whole body, Better the Skin tone, Improvement in Skin Complexion, Appearance of the Skin. This massage will also help you to fall asleep easily than earlier.

Facial Pressure Points Disclaimer:

The Acupressure Points for Healthy Skin, Facial Beauty Treatment mentioned above are best of our knowledge as well as research. But if you have not learned about the Applying Techniques, the Amount of Pressure etc., please consult an Acupressure Expert or Doctor before trying the Facial Pressure Points on yourself or any other person.

Most Effective Facial Pressure Points – Top Facial Acupressure Points for Healthy Skin, Skin Whitening and Wrinkles Most Effective Facial Pressure Points – Top Facial Acupressure Points for Healthy Skin, Skin Whitening and Wrinkles Reviewed by Vibin krishnan on February 23, 2018 Rating: 5

Method to Stop Your Thoughts From Running Inside Your Head and Fall Asleep in 8 Minutes

February 08, 2018

Method to Stop Your Thoughts From Running Inside Your Head and Fall Asleep in 8 Minutes

You’re feeling tired after a long, hard day at work, and you deserve a good night’s sleep. However, when your switch your bedroom light off, and your head hits the pillow, you find yourself with a problem. Your mind is still actively thinking about the things you did (and didn’t do!) at work. Despite wanting and needing to sleep, your restless mind is preventing you from drifting off.

Say Hai To Dodow

To meet the needs of people who struggle to fall asleep easily, a product called Dodow was recently designed and manufactured.
The product manufacturers claim that on average, users of Dodow fall asleep 2.5 times faster than without using it. And in most cases, users manage to go to sleep within just 8 minutes.
Sounds great – but what exactly is Dodow and how does it work?
Dodow is a metronome with a light system that teaches you how to fall asleep naturally. When you use Dodow, you can forget about having to rely on supplements or medication to help you sleep.
Dodow works by projecting a blue light onto your ceiling, which you synchronize your breathing to. You inhale when the light beam expands – and exhale when the light beam retracts.
By focusing on the light and your breathing, you’ll be quickly able to step outside of the countless thoughts running around inside your mind. But not only that, as Dodow’s light beam sequence gradually slows down over an 8-minute (or 20-minute) period, naturally taking you into a deep, relaxed state.

If science is your thing, then you’ll be interested in what happens to your mind and body within 8 minutes of using Dodow:
  1. The stimulation of the baroreflex rebalances your autonomic nervous system.
  2. The secretion of cortisol and noradrenalin stops and instead, melatonin, the sleep hormone, takes over.
  3. Dodow facilitates the transition of your brain to an alpha state. This is characterized by low frequency brain waves, which are an essential step towards a good night’s sleep.
When you synchronize your breathing with the light beam, you’ll be amazed at just how calming the result is. In today’s non-stop world, we’ve mostly forgotten about the power of breathing – and how it can help us to stay calm, focused and in control of our thoughts.
Regular users of Dodow not only train their breathing, but they also develop their ability to meditate.

Are You Ready To Regain Yor Health

While the claims by Dodow’s manufacturers can at first seem unbelievable, the dozens of user testimonials confirm the product’s ability to help people drift off to sleep in record time.
In your efforts to fall asleep, you’ve probably tried listening to music, reading books, or even counting sheep! If none of these worked for you, then science-backed Dodow would be a great alternative to try.
You can buy this product from Amazon.com At low cost
If you get your sleep then share this valuable post to your friends and family.
Method to Stop Your Thoughts From Running Inside Your Head and Fall Asleep in 8 Minutes Method to Stop Your Thoughts From Running Inside Your Head and Fall Asleep in 8 Minutes Reviewed by Vibin krishnan on February 08, 2018 Rating: 5

Positive and negative health effects of sunlight exposure

February 07, 2018

The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has both positive and negative health effects, as it is both a principal source of vitamin D3 and a  mutagen.

A dietary supplement can supply vitamin D3 without this mutagenic effect.

Sunlight has a wide range of positive health effects

  1. strengthening bones
  2. Production od vitamin d3
  3.  Inhibiting growth of some cancers
  4. Visible sunlight to the eyes gives health benefits through its association with the timing of melatonin synthesis
  5. Reduced risk of seasonal affective disorder
  6. trigger the release of hormones in your brain called serotonin which helps to boost your mood and helping a person feel calm and focused
  7. Research studies have revealed preliminary links between sunlight as a potential treatment for a number of conditions. These include:
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • systemic lupus erytematosus
    • inflammatory bowel disease
    • thyroiditis
    However, more research needs to be conducted before sunlight can be a conclusive treatment for these and other conditions.

Over Exposure to Sunlight Has Also Negative Health Effects

  1. Mutagen ,this means a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level. As many mutations can cause cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely to be carcinogens, although not always necessarily so. Some chemicals only become mutagenic through cellular processes. 
  2. Long-term sunlight exposure is known to be associated with the development of skin cancer, skin aging, immune suppression, and eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration
  3. Over Exposure to high intensity sunwaves can lead to sun burn or skin irritations
  4. The toxic effects of UV from natural sunlight and therapeutic artificial lamps are a major concern for human health


getting anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight on your arms, hands, and face two to three times a week is enough to enjoy the vitamin D-boosting benefits of sun. Note that the sun actually has to penetrate the skin — wearing sunscreen and/or clothing over the skin won’t result in vitamin D production.
If you’re going to be outside for more than a brief 15-minute period, it’s a good idea to protect your skin. You can do that by applying a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15. Wearing a protective hat and shirt can also help.
Positive and negative health effects of sunlight exposure Positive and negative health effects of sunlight exposure Reviewed by Vibin krishnan on February 07, 2018 Rating: 5

When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach After Waking Up, These Amazing Things Will Happen

February 06, 2018

When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach After Waking Up, These Amazing Things Will Happen

This isiactually a form of water treatment that’s scientifically proven to help remedy a number of body disorders.

Why is Drinking Water So Important???

For a start, 70% of your body is made up of water, so it’s essential to keep it fresh and topped up to keep the body working properly. 
Long-term dehydration can lead to rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, angina, colitis, dyspepsia, hypertension, obesity, haemorrhoids, breast cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney stones, sinusitis, and uterine cancers!
Help your body to better avoid these conditions by drinking water after waking up and keeping your body hydrated throughout the day.

When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach After Waking Up, These Amazing Things Will Happen When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach After Waking Up, These Amazing Things Will Happen Reviewed by Vibin krishnan on February 06, 2018 Rating: 5
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